Time to enjoy...

For many motorcyclists, the ability to enjoy their machines and socialize with other like minded people is all part of the pleasure. Here at Holywood we we do our best to hold regular rides for everyone to enjoy.
Although this is mainly for customers and friends of the shop anyone is welcome even if you haven't bought from us.
Upcoming rides and other events will be listed below. All rides and events are FREE of charge, no membership, no fees, just come and enjoy.
Join us on Facebook or follow this page for information, rides and events are listed at the bottom of the page
To find out more call the shop on 01387 720152 or email workshop@hss-uk.com
Rides & Events Schedule
The first ride of the season will depart 16:00h from Holywood Service Station Wednesday March 5th stop for dinner around 18:00h.
Regular rides will then take place through the summer (April to September) on the first Wednesday of the month departing Holywood Service Station @ 18:00h, these rides are usually 50-100 miles on varied roads and routes with a stop for dinner usually 19:30h-20:00h.
In addition to the regular Wednesday Wobblers rides there will be the following rides and events during 2025, speak to James in the workshop for full details...
Beamish Returns, Saturday 26th April to Sunday 27th April, a weekend ride to the Beamish Museum with an overnight stay in the Beamish hotel.
The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride, Sunday 18th May, The annual DGR is a charitable event for charities supporting prostate cancer and men’s mental health. This is not a turn up and ride event. You MUST pre-register, strictly dapper attire and classic motorcycles or classic styled motorcycles only. A great fun day and a great excuse to get dressed up!
HSS open day and party, Saturday 24th May 12:00h-21:00h at Holywood Service Station
Isle of Arran Weekender, Saturday 21st June to Sunday 22nd June, a weekend away on the beautiful Isle of Arran, many exciting activities to look forward to.
Cookseys Keilder Water Run, Saturday 26th July, longer day ride, departing from Tesco in Lockerbie at 10:00h. A wonderful ride through the borders and into England, stopping at Twice Brewed for luncheon.
Wobblers Annual Rally at Balloch o Dee Camping site, Saturday 13th to Sunday 14th September. Usually involves, beers, BBQ, Bikes, Rides and good times.
The Grand Finale, Last Wobble of 2025, usually a day out, ride will depart Holywood at 10:00h
The BIG One... Gordons Morocco trip, Saturday 4th October to Friday 10th October, please call and ask for Gordon for more details, Limited spaces.
Seasons Greetings, Saturday 20th December 11:00h-14:00h, a Christmas get together, lots of mince pies, music and mulled wine, call into the shop for an out of season catch up.
More details and live updates on our Holywood Wednesday Wobblers MCG Facebook page
Holywood Wednesday Wobblers MCG is a pleasant, upright motorcycle group for likeminded motorcyclists to enjoy. When riding with the group it is expected that all parties will behave in a respectful, courteous and lawful manner towards each other and towards other members of the general public.
Rides arranged by the shop are social gatherings for anyone to come along and enjoy. The shop will accept no liability for accidents, injury or damages occurred while attending a ride. By turning up for a ride it is assumed you and your motorcycle are covered by your own insurance policy, if not you will personally be liable. When taking part it is expected that all riders will abide by the highway code and the laws of the road, We also accept no liability for road conditions. Please maintain a safe distance from the rider in front and allow time to make road position adjustments to allow for potholes etc. When riding it is also important to remember that you and only you are responsible for your actions! You may be following someone, but it is important still to ride safely the leader of the ride will regroup where possible so do not make rash decisions in the fear of losing the group. Make safe decisions. Please ride to your ability not to the ability of others as this is how accidents occur. The leader will always ride to the ability of the slowest rider. ALWAYS advise the leader if you plan to depart the ride early. Check this page for ride updates before heading out. If for any reason the ride is cancelled or postponed it will appear on this page along with and changes for more information please call the shop.
Pre-ride checklist:
Helmet & Appropriate clothing for weather conditions
Tax & Insurance
Check tyres including tyre pressures
Check & adjust chain, Lubricate if required
Check lights & levels
Ensure petrol tank is full
Bring a charged mobile phone
Check with the leader plan of route and destination
Ask to join the wobblers Facebook chat
If you loose the group please do not panic. With reference to No.8 please make your own way to the destination. If you cant do this please use No.9 to inform the group you are ok and will not be joining them at the destination point.